Laser Excitation
Ultrafast TiSapphire Oscillator
Legend OPA 600nm
Legend OPA
Legend Amplifier Crystal
Synchronous Pumped Dye Lasers
Inscribing Fiber Bragg grating
Pump-probe at 77K
Pumping TiSapphire Laser
Pump-probe using OPAs
Pump-probe with Ti:Sapphire Oscillator
Legend OPAs pump-probe setup
Multipass Ultrafast Amplifier
Excitation 500nm 45fs pulses
Excitation 266nm 100fs PL
Laser Excitation
Optical pump-probe setup
Pump probe 100fs setup
RegA pump-probe setup
RegA pump probe setup


Spitfire - The Ultrafast Amplifier System generating 100fs pulses at 1kHz 1.2mJ/pulse
Spitfire z-configuration regenerative amplifier section
Spitfire laser beam configuration
Spitfire pump-probe setup
Light emission from perovskite nanocrystals excited with 3.1eV 100fs pulses
Differential transmission of a film of PbS-PbSe core-shell QDs pumped with 100fs 800nm pulses.
Pump-probe Data1
Differential transmission of Perovskite CsPbBr3 NCs pump at 400nm
RegA - High repetition rate Ti:Sapphire amplifier 250kHz 75fs 6μJ
Pump-probe setup for the high repetition rate (250kHz) RegA ultrafast amplifier
Pump-probe setup using RegA Ultrafast Amplifier
The Legend 45fs Ultrafast Amplifier
A schematic of the Legend Ultrafast Amplifier
OPA facility1
The Opera Solos Optical Parametric Amplifiers are used to generate pump and probe pulses. Showing is the Opera Solo 2 with the various internal optical components.
Opera Solo Layout. 1-Input pump beam, 2-PA2 pump beam, WLG pump beam, 4-PA1 pump beam, 5-Whight light beam, 6-Seed beam, 7-Idler beam
The Opera Solo OPA generating 600nm 45 fs pulses using 2.05mJ of energy from the Legend.
Pump probe optical setup using the Legend ultrafast amplifier with OPAs
LegendPump-probe setup
FluoroLog-3 system coupled with the high repetition Ultrafast Amplifier used for steady state and time resolved measurements
Andor PL1
Andor Photoluminescence system